It's that time of year again where we look back at the year we've just had (yes, I promise you, there was a year there somewhere) and look to the year ahead. Honestly, if you're treading water trying to make it day by day, you're not alone, but if you love storytelling and want to get closer to the people behind the books you love, read on!
But first.... this post is part of the YA Science Fiction and Fantasy blog hop! Read on to find out more about the hop and the FANTASTIC giveaway we have running to welcome 2022 in style!
2021 was a great year for finding new authors for me
In 2021, I published my debut novel. I'm pleased and proud, yes, but even more pleased to have met so many fantastic people along the way.
I'm talking about all the amazing indie authors I have discovered this year and the fantastic stories that have swept me away. Here are just some of the amazing gems I've stumbled into and read, no, devoured this year.

And best of all? I've met many of the authors behind them. In fact... not to toot my own horn... but sometimes I'm even thanked in their books. That is, like, the biggest blow-me-away honour this bookworm could ever HAVE! And then some have become friends too. I know friendship is the real treasure, but, also... my name in a book!!!!
Which leads me to ask you - if you love reading, love stories, and want to get to love the authors behind the books... why not reach out to them? A lot have websites or a presence on social media. You'll be able to find some way to contact them from the "About the Author" section of your favourite work. Maybe even subscribe to their newsletter and get a free story with the characters you love!
And then... well, authors are always looking for ways to get the word out about their books. If you love them, why not offer to help? Advanced Review Teams are a thing, where you get a copy before anyone else to read and review. Beta readers are a step above, where you help shape the novel! Each author's process is different, but there will be definitely ways to help, and maybe even see your name in the thank you section (I treasure each and every one of mine!)
2021 roundup
What else happened in 2021. Well...
Published my debut novel ^.^
Got an orange sticker in Amazon, woo hoo!
Published another one!
Sold over 100 books - yay!
Hit my largest preoder / release week ever!
Had the incredible honour of receiving some rave reviews.
But mainly, meeting and speaking with such a fantastic bunch of authors has made 2021 so special for me. I really recommend it!
Continue the blog hop and see some more awesome authors in action!